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Recently got Vienna Teng's CD. AWESOME.

Posted by Gerrit on July 14, 2001 at 13:51:54:

My best friend, Season, who lives in the Bay Area called me a few days ago quite excited about some musician she met at open mic. She was playing some enchanting music in the background, then had me listen to a few songs over the phone. It was absolutely phenomenal. I had to have it. I asked her how I could get a copy of it. Since she didn't know when she'd see her again, I asked for the name. The name was Vienna Teng. I immediately typed it into my web browser and discovered that there is in fact a web site. Hooray! I hurridly found how to purchase the CD and ordered it. I also noticed four songs for download which I promptly downloaded and had a listen.

Two days later (if that), I received a package in the mail. Noticing the fact that it was the size of a CD, I tore it open. Sure enough, the CD had arrived already. It even had a personal touch of thanks for buying the album penned on the packaging. Happy to have it in my hands, I slipped it into my CD player only to be floored by the first song... then the second.. then the third.. all the way through.

Needless to say, it's been in my CD player all day, everyday since then. I got it on Wednesday night, had it playing on repeat at work Friday and Saturday, and I'm listening to it now as I sit here writing this on Saturday.

I must say that I am definitely in debt to Season for introducing me to Vienna Teng's music. I am also extremely happy that Vienna Teng and her compadres took the time to record such beautiful songs and music.

Thank you. From the depth of my music appreciative heart, THANK YOU ALL!


P.S. The web site kicks ass. The graphic design is professionally astounding while the content outranks almost all musicians personal sites.
P.P.S. I first wrote this in e-mail a few minutes ago.. but I think the forum is a good place to share with you all too. =)



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