22 August 2000
Ruts and Stretches

Musically, my writing falls roughly into two categories: rut songs and stretch songs. Rut songs use the same old chords, riffs, and templates as I've used since I started writing. They translate easily from thought to keyboard, almost without effort, and melodies emerge to fit neatly into their framework. They also frustrate the hell out of me, because they indicate stagnation. So I tend to give them less credit than is due -- some of them have turned out to be the most honest and heartfelt songs lyrically, and the music was only trying to do the words justice.

Stretch songs are playgrounds and laboratories. Sometimes they yield good, complete songs; usually not. I just shake my toolbox upside down, and concepts spill onto the drawing board like so many screwdrivers. Lydian mode. 5/4 time. Modulating a half step up and back down again. Diminished sevenths. Absence of chorus. Absence of verse. Nonsensical background vocals. Attempts at lounge jazz, son montuno, Southern spiritual, folk ballad. I love this process, but it can get frustrating too. It's all kind of pretentious in a way.

Brownie points if you can tell which songs fall into which camp. There are a few in-betweeners, of course.

- VT

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