15 April 2002
Good Shows

There's a mysterious correlation between warm weather and great shows. Maybe daylight savings time makes people more willing to venture out at 8 PM; maybe it's the open doors of the coffeehouses letting the sound wander out into the street. Or maybe, this past Saturday, it wasn't the weather at all but a guy named Jon working the counter at the Blue Rock Shoot, telling every customer to go check out the singer-songwriter in the back room. Whatever it was, it was a magical show. On a few occasions I've felt a distinct two-way communication happening between myself and the audience -- where it's not just me playing and them listening, but also the listeners' energy and attention somehow feeding back into the song, an expression of something intangible and lovely.

Since I started playing live I've done a few shows to near-empty rooms, or -- and this is somehow worse -- a room full of people not paying any attention. Nights like those I pack up my gear and wonder, am I wasting my time? Am I wasting everyone's time? What's the point of all this? Those are fortunately rare; most other times I just play the songs, make some new friends, have a good time and feel grateful for the lunch money in the tip jar. But at Eric Cheng's house last summer, at the Global Village Cafe in February, and again two nights ago at the Blue Rock Shoot -- at these shows I felt like there was a real connection with the audience. Here was something truly worthwhile.

Those of you who shared those moments with me -- thank you. I mean it. Times like those completely renew my faith in this business of music, and in human nature in general. My profound gratitude to you for being there. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (And sorry, I still haven't figured out what I'm supposed to do when all of you are standing and cheering, except to look terribly embarrassed and happy. *grin*)

Those of you who weren't there -- here's to many more such evenings to come!

- VT

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