10 January 2002

Having seen The Fellowship Of The Ring recently, I've relapsed into my childhood dream of being a film composer. This whole songwriting thing is nice and all, but god, to write a really good score to a really good movie...

Jim, ever the trusty friend when it comes to putting ideas in my head, thinks I should try writing a soundtrack for a nonexistent film -- brief instrumentals that vaguely suggest a scene. I'm already having fun dreaming up some titles to start from. "She Finds The Abandoned Room." "Up The Great River." "Theme For The Protagonist." "This Has Always Belonged To You." "Outside The Gate." "The Sudden Storm."

I guess I'll have to start with solo piano -- no way I'm attempting to assemble a symphonic orchestra, much less for a pet project like this one. I should probably confine myself to quiet pensive moments, and at most a tense chase scene or two. Hard to do justice to heroic panoramas with a piano, noble instrument though it is.

Hmmmm. *grin*

- VT

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